
I, having held the silk stained breath of another
between some thinner teeth
know what it tastes like, the ripe ripping of gum below
and the two fold blood flush
rushing up for singular
gasps of air.

Clown: a post mortem.

Two – Salted, dated/
Pickled, peel plump droopy eyes.
One – Thickly, sickly/
Sweet, drawn in, for denying/
smiling lips.

To be examined:
persistently bleeds/
blue with slick sickly snot choosing,
Seemingly encouraged by laughter at/
and swollen, protrude uninvited toward a collection of students pause.

To toy with me, an academic opus.
My soothing sensation of univestigated nostalgia.

What would you suggest? Am I no longer priceless? Exaggerated features amusing no more?
Merely meek market meat for the self entitled joker
who sat throwing peanuts from
the crowd.